If you’re tired of feeling drained and low on energy, know that you’re not alone. As moms, we give so much of our time, energy, and love to others that it can leave us feeling drained – day after day. To the point where we wonder if we’ll ever have energy again. The good news is that it is possible to regain your energy, but it does mean making some small changes in your life.

Here are my 5 tips for things you can start doing today to improve your energy:

  1. Hydrate! Do you ever find yourself grabbing water for your kids only to wonder if you’ve had anything other than a cup of cold coffee all day? Try kicking off your day with a cup of water, bringing a water bottle with you to work or when running errands, eating hydrating fruits and vegetables, & taking sips of water during your workouts. 
  2. Sleep. As moms, it can be tough to get a good night’s sleep, but make the most of the time you do have. No screen time in bed. Yep, that means no scrolling social media way past your bedtime. Turning off electronics two hours before is ideal for a better night’s sleep, but start with 5 minutes tonight. 
  3. Move. Any movement counts as exercise so don’t get hung up on ‘getting to the gym’ or doing a specific workout. If you have to clean the house, scrub those floors and showers. Maybe even add a few push-ups or a plank in the mix. Love to work in the yard? Haul a bag of mulch or push it in a wheelbarrow. If you’re not feeling a cardio workout, opt for a strength or yoga workout. 
  4. Nourish. If you go all day without eating or fuel yourself with less than ideal food choices, this is a quick way to zap your energy. Meals don’t have to be gourmet or lacking in flavor to keep you going. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips from the break room, swing by the grocery store for a bagged salad and top it with pre-cooked chicken, beef, fish, or beans & serve it with a side of fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, or even an apple.
  5. Breathe. It sounds simple, but taking a few deep breaths when we’re feeling stressed can help lower our cortisol and leave us with more energy. Most of us tend to breathe shallow breaths -focus on deep belly breaths. As a bonus, deep breathing can also help you sleep better!

Every mom deserves to have more energy, which is why my courses are designed to help you feel your best! 


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