
I’m sure you’ve heard we should take care of ourselves so we have the energy to take care of others. But what if we took care of ourselves because we deserve it???

Whether it’s a demanding job, taking care of your family or other personal commitments and navigating life’s changes, where do we even begin to ‘fit in’ time for self-care?

I find myself ready for bed, yet I fall into the trap of finishing one last load of laundry before I even start getting ready for bed. 30 minutes later, I’m finally in bed and I’m missing out on valuable sleep. Forget even spending 5 minutes reading. I’m beyond tired at this point. This impacts how I feel the next day, the stress in my life, my relationships and more.

Or maybe it’s a Saturday morning and I’m straight into chores around the house or running errands before even giving myself 5 minutes to simply relax or do something for myself.

Do you find yourself pushing your own self-care to the back burner? If you’re like me, you feel that taking time for ourselves is selfish, but this is far from the truth! Instead of feeling guilty when you take a longer shower than normal, remember that when you take care of yourself, you allow yourself to become physically and mentally stronger.

On days when I dedicate time to self-care, I feel so refreshed. Some days this is a simple as an extra minute washing my face and truly experiencing how this feels.

I still struggle with feeling guilty when I take time for myself, but it’s nice to be able to recognize this guilt and to change the conversation. After a long day of work, traffic, or even a stressful encounter with friends and family, I have to remind myself to take a few minutes for self-care.

I encourage you to incorporate self-care into your life. If you need some inspiration, check out the ideas below, many which won’t break the bank.

Quick ideas for self-care:

  • Bubble Bath
  • Take a long shower, Bonus: add candles, music and a glass of sparkling water, wine or kombucha
  • Paint your nails
  • Prepare a healthy meal just for yourself
  • Read for fun (non-parenting/pregnancy, etc)
  • Prop your feet up and relax in your backyard (cell phone free)
  • Exercise (even if it’s just 10 squats or push-ups), Dance, Walk (outdoors), Yoga
  • Take a Nap
  • Face Mask
  • Write down five things you love about your body and post it on a mirror where you can see
  • Meditate or take a 10 deep breaths
  • Spend 5-10 extra minutes getting ready in the morning
  • Make yourself a cup of tea, coffee or water infused with fresh fruit
  • Write down 5 things you’re proud of
  • Spend time working on a favorite craft, hobby, coloring or drawing


  • Book a manicure or pedicure
  • Schedule a massage
  • Make a hair appointment at a blow dry bar
  • Book an appointment for a makeup lesson
  • Schedule a professional facial
  • Buy a new workout outfit or shoes
  • Attend a yoga class or meditation
  • Bring a book to a coffee shop and enjoy your favorite fancy drink

Add a comment and let me know what you try and how you feel afterward! If you’re already practicing acts of self-care, share your ideas below. And remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection!

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